Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When Did I Get So Old?

And, no that does not require a response!

But last week while I was at the MVD (known as the DMV to us older people -- never quite sure why they feel the need to switch the letters around) with Kellee (my baby), sitting and waiting, to get her permit, it occurred to me, after being called "Ma'am" a few times, and having to squint, for the first time that I can remember, to see the print on the forms, that I am just plain getting OLD.

Do you remember when we were young, and we would be talking (you know that thing we used to do before texting and email) about something that had happened, and then someone would ask how old the people were that we were talking about?

The answer would end up being something like this: --
"Oh, you know, they were like, you know, I don't know, OLD, I think they were like 40 or something."

Well, I just have to swallow the giant horse sized reality pill, and accept the fact that I am now in that age group that the younger generation considers "OLD".

That the old lady looking back at me in the mirror is ....... ME!

It seems that in just the blink of an eye, my baby went from this.....

to this....

and I went from this.....

to this.....

But, as my Grandaddy always used to say ..... "it beats the alternative"!


Anonymous said...

Oh Marla you aren't are still the youngest jock that I know.....

Supercool Hotmama said...

ROFLOL! Which baby were you?

Rags 2 Richards said...

I'm the chubby one on the right.